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About Us - Maple

Hello and welcome to Maple Class!

Your teachers this year are: Mrs Yeandle and Mrs Carr. Your teaching assistants are: Mrs West, Mrs Pearce and Mrs Eva. For one afternoon per week Mrs Hewson will teach music and Mrs Kelly will teach RE to Maple.

As mathematicians, Year 1 have been learning about numbers to 20 and completing addition and subtraction. They have been practising skip counting in 2's, 5's and 10's and will soon move on to numbers within 50, then capacity and mass and length and height. Year 2 are looking at money and identifying and adding coins and notes as well as finding change.  They will move onto multiplication and division, length and height, capacity, mass and temperatiure. Maths lessons are delivered using the Power Maths WRM scheme. We also practice our arithmetic skills daily through 'Fluent in Five'. You can help your child at home by completing the weekly homework tasks on School Jam (Active Learn Primary) and practising their skills at timestables.co.uk.

This half-term, Year 2 will focus their English learning around the book "No-bot, The Robot with No Bottom" where they will practise writing a story using different sentence types inclusing exclamatory statements, statements, and questions, following the story pattern, using expanded noun phrases, past tense verbs and punctuating their sentences correctly. Their second book is called "The book of cars and trucks" and they will write an information double page spread. Their writing will focus on including subordination (if, when, because) and coordination (and, but). 
They will continue to follow the No Nonsense spelling programme and have weekly Guided Reading sessions. The Year 1s will continue to learn phonics with Fred Frog and practice writing skills through different story books as part of Read, Write Inc.   
For more information about Read Write Inc please follow this link where it explains all the lingo and how it works - https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/read-write-inc-phonics-guide/
This half-term we are being Geographers and our topic is hot and cold desserts. Children will look at what deserts are and in what continents they are found. They will look at the climates of deserts and that they are places with very little 'precipitation' and can be cold and dry or hot and dry.  They will explore how cold deserts are further away from the equator in the North or South Pole and hot deserts are closer to the equator. 

As scientists we will be exploring materials. Children will look at objects and what they are used for and what materials they are made from.  They will explore properties of materials and whether they are man made or natural. 

In RE Year 1 will be looking at the story of John the baptist from the gospel of Luke. We will learn about Jesus in the temple and Jesus' "hidden years" when he was a child and there are not many stories written about him in the bible. We will look at Jesus' baptism and his call of the disciples.  We will learn and retell the story of Zachheus.  
In Year 2 they will also look at John the baptist and the calling of the twelve disciples. They will look at Jesus alone in the wilderness and then look at some of the things Jesus did for example calming the storm and healing others as well as learning and retelling the parable of the lost sheep.    
In ICT Year 1 and 2 will be practising their mouse skills, learning how to log on and navigate around a computer.  They will develop their skills of dragging, dropping, clicking and controlling a cursor. 

In DT they will start a new unit on mechanisms and they will progress to make a moving monster.  They will look at objects and understand how they move. They will learn what pivot, levers and linkage are and follow instructions to create linkage for a monster.

In PSHE and RHE we will look at ''Dreams and Goals". Within this unit they will explore how can overcome obstacles when trying to achieve a goal.  We will set and achieve a goal, explore who we work best with and how we feel when we achieve a goal.  How perseverence, teamwork and knowing your personal strengths are important when striving to achieve a goal.   
In Music this term, Maple are focussing on rhythm and timbre and adding percussion to the songs they learn. 

Below you will find the key vocabulary which will be used in each unit. Please talk to your child about these key words to find out more about what they have been learning!

Please come back soon to see what we’ve been up to!
