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About Us - Maple

Hello and welcome to Maple Class!

Your teachers this year are: Mrs Yeandle and Mrs Carr. Your teaching assistants are: Mrs West, Mrs Pearce and Mrs Eva.  For one afternoon per week Mrs Hewson will teach music and Mrs Kelly will teach RE to Maple.

As mathematicians, Year 1 have been learning about numbers to 10 and starting to partition these numbers.  Year 2 are learning about numbers to 100 and understanding the place value of each digit in a 2-digit number. After this we will start looking at addition and subtraction with numbers within 100. This is delivered using the Power Maths WRM scheme. We also practice our arithmetic skills daily through 'Fluent in Five'. You can help your child at home by completing the weekly homework tasks on School Jam (Active Learn Primary) and practising their skills on the One Minute Maths app or timestables.co.uk.

This half-term, Year 2 will focus their English learning around the book "The Three Little Pigs" where they will practise writing their own version this, following the story pattern, using expanded noun phrases, past tense verbs and punctuating our sentences correctly. They will continue to follow the No Nonsense spelling programme and have weekly Guided Reading sessions. The Year 1s will continue to learn phonics with Fred Frog and practice writing skills through different story books as part of Read, Write Inc.  They will also complete their phonics screening. 
For more information about Read Write Inc please follow this link where it explains all the lingo and how it works - https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/read-write-inc-phonics-guide/
This half-term we are being Geographers looking at map skills in a unit called ''Here I Am''. We will learn about physical and human features on a map of our local area. 

As scientists, Year 1 will be exploring plants and living things. We will look at the parts of the plant and the different types of trees. Year 2 are learning about plants too, but will be starting by looking at seeds and how they become fully grown healthy plants.

In RE Year 1's will be looking at the creation story and how to look after God's creation. Year 2's are looking at Noah and the story of the Ark. They will then learn about having faith like Noah did and how we can have faith too.

In ICT Year 1 and 2 will be practising and looking to develop their typing skills. We will look at how to use our computer to type onto a google document.

In Design and Technology we will be looking at healthy eating and designing meals based on this.

In PSHE and RHE we will look at ''Being Me in My World''. Within this unit we will explore how I feel special and safe in my class and ways that I belong to my class.
In Music this term, Maple are ...

Below you will find the key vocabulary which will be used in each unit. Please talk to your child about these key words to find out more about what they have been learning!

Please come back soon to see what we’ve been up to!
