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Catholic Life News

The Year 5 children who have applied to be part of next year's GIFT team led the school in a celebration of the Word for Ascension Day. They did a fantastic job. They will soon have their interviews with the adults who support the GIFT team and be given their roles for next year.
As part of our aim towards prayer, action and giving during Lent, we held a fundraising day for CAFOD. The focus for fundraising this year is to support fishing communities in Liberia through purchasing technical and safety equipment and so the children enjoyed a range of fish themed activities. These included magnetic fishing, flip the kipper, fish themed battleships and fishy dancing and yoga. Each child had the chance to throw a coin or two into our giant fishing net, all the money collected will be sent to CAFOD for their Lent Appeal.
On the last day of term, we celebrated Holy Week in a Day.
Each class led a short reflection on part of Jesus' journey through Holy Week. The day started with Acorns celebrating Jesus' joyful arrival in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, followed by Maple leading us through the events of the Last Supper. Sycamore then took us to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus was arrested and told us about Peter's denial. In the afternoon, Oak led a moving reflection on Jesus' crucifixion and finally Willow shared with us the joy of His resurrection on Easter Day.
We were joined during the day by family and parishioners, many of whom stayed to share a cup of tea and hot cross bun together. 
Every Thursday during Lent, we have gathered as a school to follow Jesus' final journey to Calvary through praying the Stations of the Cross.
Our final set of stations were led by Oak and Acorns, at each station we listened, paused and prayed. We then moved to the next station singing a short reflective refrain. We remembered that this was not the end of the story and now look forward to celebrating Holy Week in a Day on the last day of term.
We were excited to receive our Toilet Twinning certificates.
Back in December, our GIFT team led a fundraising pyjama day to twin a  toilet in Zambia in order to provide better sanitary and hygiene facilities. We were delighted to raise enough money to twin two toilets.
Willow Class led us in a Prayer for Christian Unity. We welcomed family and friends as well as members of our parish family and other local churches to pray together.
Keystage Two joined together with family, friends and parishioners to celebrate our annual Carol Service at St Paul's Church.
Big Lent Walk

Ash Wednesday
During Lent our whole school community is taking part in CAFOD's Big Lent Walk. We will be raising money to help communities in Bangladesh adapt to the challenge of climate change. We have decided to set ourselves the challenge of walking from England to Bangladesh (virtually) - a distance of around 5000 miles or 8000km. The children will be walking every day in school and families and staff will be adding in their miles from weekend and evening walks.

Follow the link below to watch our progress.

The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD): The Big Lent Walk (enthuse.com)
Fr Kristian and Deacon Michael joined us for our Ash Wednesday liturgy. Ash Wednesday is the first day of the season of Lent and traditionally everyone is marked with a cross of ash on their forehead as a sign of repentance.

Prayer for Christian Unity
Willow class led us in our prayer for Christian Unity. We were pleased to welcome family and friends as well several new visitors to our school representing many different churches in Tiverton.

Epiphany Doorway Blessings
Sycamore class led a whole school prayer to celebrate Epiphany. During the prayer, children from every class created an Epiphany doorway blessing to take back and hang over their classroom door, bringing blessings on everyone who enters the room.