St John's Primary School is passionate about inclusion. We work hard to ensure that children with special educational needs or disabilities thrive by supporting and caring for them in every aspect of school life. We value every child and foster a deep sense of belonging through our school values and caring school community.
Staff are well trained in identifying and providing for, a range of needs, which enables children to access the school curriculum and reach their full potential.
We work closely with parents and carers, using a graduated approach to supporting children’s needs, with advice from outside agencies when required.
Devon's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer
We want every child in Devon to dream, believe and achieve, and fulfil their potential, some just need a little extra help or support to do this. Our Local Offer is here to help you find out about the support services available in Devon and how to access them.
Mrs Jane Trott
Chair of Governors
Antonia Ryan
Inclusion Governor
Devon Local Offer
SEND Policies
Early Help
Early Help is the extra support your family can get if you need it. It may be that you want to prevent a problem, or change things for your family before the problem becomes more serious.
It is not a specific service or team, it’s an approach that brings together people from a range of services and teams who will work together with your whole family to help improve the situation for everyone.
It can offer support to families from pre-birth to adolescents with all sorts of issues from parenting, employment and school attendance to emotional wellbeing or anti-social behaviour.
The leaflet above offers more information on Early Help.
Why would I need Early Help?
When one person in your family has a problem it often affects everyone else too.
You may be worrying about someone’s physical or mental health, a disability or special need, being a carer, domestic abuse, alcohol or drug misuse, harmful behaviour or involvement in crime.
It could be your child, a young person or another adult, but if the whole family is supported as soon as possible to help cope with their difficulties it’s more likely that things will improve and everyone will be happier.
Devon Information Advice and Support (DIAS)
These are the important things to know about our service:
- It’s confidential. We don’t share anything you tell us, unless it’s a safeguarding issue or you have given us permission.
- It’s impartial. We aim to give you information about the options available, then it’s up to you to make the decisions. We won’t promote one option over another, unless there’s no alternative. We are also separate from Devon County Council’s other SEND services and departments.
- It’s free of charge.
- We talk directly to parents, carers, guardians, children and young people. We can also talk to professionals if parents or young people give their permission.
- Anyone can access it. If you have communication difficulties or English as a second language, we will always do our best to arrange the right support. Some of our information is written in languages other than English and we can also produce information in large print if you need it. Please contact us if you need information in other formats or need more help.
- It’s based on the law. All DIAS Officers have training about the legal areas of SEND support, EHC Plans and issues such as exclusion.
- It operates on a first come first served basis, unless you need to speak to us urgently.
- It’s for anyone living in Devon. If you live in Torbay or Plymouth there are Information Advice and Support services for your area.
Our Thrive Practitioners
Mrs Sarah Pearce
EYFS and KS1
Mrs Tracey Harte
We know that children learn best in school when they are happy and settled. At St John's we are using the Thrive Approach to help us develop our pupils’ emotional and social well-being. The Thrive approach helps us to tune into childrens' current developmental needs, identify any gaps and then plan to meet them. In adopting Thrive as a whole school, we will support all of our pupils to build a strong emotional intelligence toolkit, enabling them to make the best possible progress in their learning and THRIVE in school and beyond.
Positive relationships are at the heart of Thrive and we use these relationships, together with play and creative activities, to give children key experiences at each different stage of their development to meet their needs.
What are the benefits of Thrive?
• Thrive teaches the understanding of children’s behaviour as communication, improves learning skills and leads to greater attainment.
• It promotes productive learning for all children.
• It supports staff, providing them with confidence to work with more challenging and vulnerable children, and with parents and integrated teams.
• It leads to better relationships at home and in school.
How do we use Thrive?
Early identification of emotional development needs builds resilience and reduces the risk of mental illness.Thrive offers us a way of assessing and supporting children’s emotional and social development and real time needs, which can then be used to provide personalised programmes for classes, groups and individuals. All class teachers use a tool called Thrive-Online to screen their classes each term. These assessments help teachers to plan a social and emotional curriculum for the whole class, incorporating relevant strategies into everyday routines and general Quality First Teaching.
By using Thrive we will:
- Develop a holistic approach to support children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.
- Provide early identification and effective support for children who are experiencing emotional, social or behavioural difficulties.
- Provide an environment for children to safely express and explore strong feelings which are creating barriers to learning.
- Develop supportive relationships between peers, and between children and adults in school.
- Support children to regulate and self soothe leading to resilience, academic progress and positive relationships.
- Provide children with strong foundations that will carry them through into adulthood.