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Safeguarding and Online Safety

Mrs Webber

Head of School & DSL

Mrs Jodie Veen


Mrs Harte

Pastoral- Safeguarding Level 3

Mr Meech

Executive Headteacher & DDSL

Jane Trott

Chair of Governors - Safeguarding and Child Protection Governor

Mrs Hill

After School Club- Safeguarding Level 3

Safeguarding Policy 2023-2024
Safeguarding Our Children

At St John’s, we ensure that our children are as safe as possible. All staff are trained to be aware of potential child protection issues. Governors too have appropriate training and induction so that they understand their roles and responsibilities and are confident about carrying them out.

Issues or concerns about the safety or welfare of children are listened to and taken seriously, and the appropriate agencies called, where necessary.

Any concerns about the safety and welfare of a child should be shared with one of the designated staff for child protection.

Tel: 01884 253630
Online Safety
The school takes its duty to keep children safe online very seriously. Through an extensive e-safety curriculum, the children learn how to be safe online and what to do if they are worried about something they experience online.

We appreciate that this can be difficult issue for parents, particularly with ever-changing online world we live in. To support this the school is a member of National Safety Online organisation that supports parents and carers to keep their children safe. They have a dedicated parent website with lots of videos and information leaflets. To sign up please follow the link below.


If you require any help with the above please contact the school office.
Parent Help Factsheets