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Foreign Languages

The MFL curriculum at our school aspires to initiate a positive attitude towards another language, to help the children express different ideas effectively and to develop an enjoyment for learning other languages and about other cultures. It also aims to improve intercultural understanding in an increasingly globalized world.

At present, we offer Spanish across KS2 following the Language Angels programme of study. This is taught by a Spanish speaking teacher at our school, so that the best tuition is received by our children

Please follow this link to have a look at what the government wishes us to teach:


See the MFL curriculum attached below.

MFL curriculum 2023-2024

Ambition- What are we aiming for children with SEND to achieve in this subject?

  • Children with SEND should have an enjoyment in learning more about other cultures
  • Children with SEND should feel empowered to explore their identity in a community with people from different backgrounds
Access- What amendments are made to the subject in order to help children with SEND to achieve?

  • SEND children are given worksheets with a lot of visuals for more support
  • SEND children are supported when accessing the learning
  • SEND children are taken into account during the planning process so that different media can be considered in the learning process such as songs, story-telling, games, acting, videos etc