Welcome to our new website!


Religious Education is central to our school life, not least because we believe it is important for our children to have some understanding of all faiths, cultures and traditions, respecting the beliefs of others. In this way we hope that our children will learn to ask the big questions about life, religion and spirituality, and form their own views and opinions, while remaining open to learning about other theologies and philosophies.

We encourage our children to uphold British values of tolerance, democracy and lack of discrimination.

In RE, we use the Come and See scheme of work, which teaches the children about the Catholic church, but also about other faiths. Children learn to relate stories from the Bible and other faith backgrounds to their own lives and experiences. They are encouraged to think for themselves and share opinions with others.

Liturgy and prayer play an important part in the daily pattern of our school day and year. Children gather every day, either as a whole school, key stage or class, to spend time with God. We also mark key times of the Church year with a liturgy or Mass; on these occasions families and parishioners are invited into school and we welcome Fr Kristian, Deacon Michael or Deacon Peter to celebrate with us.
Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their children from RE lessons and in this instance should contact the school to arrange a meeting.
We have an active pupil chaplaincy team, known as our GIFT team (growing in faith together). This group of children work together to support and lead liturgies and to co-ordinate activities to raise money or awareness for local, national or international charities.

To see some of the liturgy and charitable activities the school has been involved in visit our Catholic Life News tab under the News and Events drop down menu.

Families wishing to spend time in reflection could follow the link below for some thoughts:

3-Minute Retreats Daily Online Prayer | Loyola Press

RE Progression Documents

RE Curriculum Newsletter