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News and Photos

Sycamore enjoyed dressing as their favourite book characters for World Book Day. They spent the morning creating their own dream worlds using You Choose by Pippa Goodhart and Nick Sharratt as inspiration.
As part of Numbers' Day, Sycamore were challenged to use their knowledge of fractions to find the fairest way to share different blocks of chocolate between different groups of children. As a reward for their hard work, they were allowed to eat the chocolate once they had found a solution. 
Sycamore class had great fun 'Doing Something Funny for Money' for Red Nose Day
The year 4 children from Sycamore joined with those in Willow to take part in a football tournament at Tiverton High School. All the children played brilliantly, with one team even making the final. 
This half term in PE, Sycamore have been exploring balancing, jumping and rolling in gymnastics.